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10 February 2021

Support is available if you’re experiencing domestic and family violence

Family violence – which is violence between family members, such as between parents and children, siblings, and intimate partners – is a crime, but unfortunately it’s a reality for many people across the country.

Domestic violence is a type of family violence, and refers specifically to violence that occurs between current or former intimate partners (sometimes referred to as ‘intimate partner violence’).

Both family violence and domestic violence include behaviours such as:

On average, the effects of this violence are more severe for women and more frequent for gender-diverse people.  

Family violence during COVID-19

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to an increase in family violence in Australia.

Some of the reasons include disruptions to normal lifestyle and routines, and significant pressure on emotions, finances, work or study, and overall health and wellbeing.

These issues can strain personal and family relationships, exacerbate existing domestic problems or increase risk to victims already experiencing family violence.

If your personal home situation has changed or deteriorated during COVID-19, please seek help.

Important information for people on a visa

If you’re on a permanent or temporary visa and are experiencing family violence, you need to know that seeking help will not affect your visa status. Visa applicants should not remain in violent or dangerous relationships for a visa outcome under any circumstances.

Remember that:

The Department of Home Affairs, which manages Australian immigration and citizenship, can help you with your personal situation, so contact them for information and support.

How to get help if you feel unsafe

In an emergency

Support at Deakin

Community-based support

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