Items with Tag: Phillip Dawson

How do people learn from feedback in the workplace? – Review – CRADLE seminar series 3 August 2021

So what have we learned about feedback seeking and sharing in the workplace? Honorary Professor...

The remote proctored exams dilemma – CRADLE Seminar Series – Prof Phill Dawson, 11 May 2021

May’s CRADLE Seminar was presented by our Associate Director Phill (with double L) Dawson, one...

CRADLE Seminar Series – ‘The remote proctored exams dilemma’ – 11 May, 2pm

Please join us for our second online seminar for 2021 presented by CRADLE’s Associate Director,...

The Impact of CRADLE on Higher Education – CRADLE Seminar Series 2021

An enthusiastic audience recently joined us for our first CRADLE seminar series of 2021.This reflective...

Launching the 2021 CRADLE Seminar Series!

Please join us for our first seminar presented by CRADLE’s Director, Alfred Deakin Prof. David...

CRADLE News, tweets and traffic – No red lights!

Whether it was due to lockdown tedium-surfing or random searches of exciting key words related to the world of higher education assessment and the digital world, readership of the CRADLE News blog has continued to grow.

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