Items with Tag: CRADLE Seminar Series

CRADLE Seminar Series #4: New directions for feedback seeking research and practice – 3 May 2022 – Join Us!

Join us to hear 'New directions for feedback seeking research and practice' from Professor David Carless, University of Hong Kong. In this presentation David, an Honorary Professor with CRADLE, will discuss the concept of feedback seeking and its impact on teaching, learning and motivation.

CRADLE Seminar Series #3: Developing feedback literacy: case studies from multiple disciplines – 5 April 2022 – Join Us!

Please join us for our third seminar of 2022 by CRADLE's Professor Phillip Dawson and Dr Joanna Tai along with Development Partners Dr Kelli Nicola-Richmond and Dr Christine Contessotto. The team will discuss outcomes of a project investigating ways of improving student feedback literacy. This project is part of CRADLE’s Development Partners scheme.

CRADLE Seminar Series: Re-Imagining Exams: how do assessment adjustments impact on inclusion? – 15 March 2022 – Join Us!

Please join us for our second seminar of 2022 by Dr Joanna Tai on exams, assessment adjustments and inclusion.

CRADLE Seminar Series: Making Assessment Work for Learning – 22 Feb 2022 – Join us!

Please join us for our first seminar for 2022! This informative and interactive presentation will be delivered by Massey University’s Prof. Roseanna Bourke. Lifelong learning requires a person to have strong self-assessment skills if they are to plan for their own learning, and to self-assess that learning in work and life settings beyond the formal higher education setting.

Sustaining innovation in higher education: What does it take and what don’t we know? – CRADLE Seminar Series 8 Dec 2021: Review by Dr Jo Elliot

In this reflection of our last seminar for the year, Dr Jo Elliot (Lecturer, Digital Learning Innovation, Deakin Learning Futures) provides some meaningful insights relating to innovations, engagement and practice.

CRADLE Seminar Series: Sustainability in teaching and learning innovations – Interactive Forum – 8 Dec 2021 – Join us!

Our final seminar for 2021 is a forum on sustainable innovation in practice hosted by...

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