
GenAI in Work-Integrated Learning: Resources for university staff, students, and industry partners 

This resource supports students, university WIL practitioners and educators, and industry or community partners hosting students to open up thinking, discussions, and applications of how GenAI can and should be used in WIL contexts. It contains customisable reflective questions and examples for use of GenAI in WIL.

The individual components of the GenAI in WIL guide are available below:

Ensuring academic integrity and assessment security with online delivery

This guide is designed to assist unit chairs with redesigning assessment, to suit fully online delivery, without invigilated exams. Some assessments can easily move to online delivery or submission some assessment will need to be redesigned to ensure that quality and rigour are maintained.

Assessing work-integrated learning (WIL) programs: a guide to effective assessment design

This guide aims to foster high quality assessment practice in diverse WIL programs and activities, drawing on contemporary research and education theory. It is intended for academics, practitioners and industry partners involved in the design and delivery of WIL assessment, and contains guiding questions and case scenarios.

Inclusive Assessment

Inclusive assessment design framework

This inclusive assessment design framework is for university educators and teaching teams who are seeking more equitable assessments for all students. It includes a four-phase inclusive assessment development lifecycle, with a series of considerations at each phase to help prompt assessment design decisions.

Five ways to develop inclusive assessment in higher education

This guide is aimed at developing a university-wide approach to inclusive assessment. It outlines practical, mostly educator-focused suggestions for supporting institutions to develop more inclusive assessments.

Five ways to re-imagine exams for inclusive assessment

Want to ensure that your exam supports diverse students to demonstrate their capabilities in relation to the learning outcomes? These five top tips suggest ways you could make your exam or high-stakes time-limited assessment more inclusive.

Re-imagining Exams: Workshop Resources

Re-imagining Exams: Workshop materials

This resource contains indicative outlines for the content of five workshop sessions. It’s designed to support educators or teaching teams in running their own participatory workshops on designing inclusive assessment, and can be used in conjunction with the workshop slides below.

Re-imagining Exams: Workshop slides

This set of workshop slides is designed to support educators or teaching teams in running their own participatory workshops on designing inclusive assessment, and is designed to be used in conjunction with the workshop materials above. It will download as a zipped folder containing five PowerPoint files and a readme text file.

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