Assessment. Digital. Learning

CRADLE Seminar Series #9 2022: Assessment and learning for the long term: what do graduates say? – Monday 14 November – Join Us!

Join us in person or online to hear from Dr Jan McArthur from Lancaster University, UK who will give a presentation on perspectives of students and using evaluative judgement for continuing to engage with knowledge and learning in the years beyond graduation.

Review of CRADLE Seminar Series #8: Hyper-hybrid Learning Spaces. By Darci Taylor

Deakin University’s Darci Taylor, Associate Professor and Director of Learning Design at Deakin Learning Futures and CRADLE PhD Candidate, reviews CRADLE Seminar Series #8 "Hyper-hybrid Learning Spaces" by Rikke Toft Nørgård, Associate Professor in Educational Design & Technology at The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. Darci reflects on the thought-provoking presentation that encouraged higher education colleagues to ‘tinker like alchemists’ and imagine future possibilities of hyper-hybrid learning spaces.

Registrations for the CRADLE International Symposium 2022 are now open!

Please join us as part of our annual International Symposium event where we will tackle the controversial and big issues surrounding cheating, a topic that may raise more questions than answers!

Review of CRADLE Seminar Series #7: Programmatic assessment: hype or necessary development? By Susie Macfarlane

Susie MacFarlane reviews Professor Lambert Schuwirth’s discussion on programmatic assessment and its attempt to optimise its learning function through meaningful feedback and reflection at different stages of assessment.

Closing Soon! Applications for CRADLE’s Fellowship Scheme Round 2 for 2022 are due 2 September 2022.

Applications for CRADLE’s Fellowship Scheme Round 2 for 2022 are due 2 September 2022.

CRADLE Seminar Series #8: Hyper-hybrid Learning Spaces: Higher education teaching and learning beyond HyFlex – Tuesday 6 September – Join Us!

Join us to hear from Associate Professor Rikke Toft Nørgård of Aarhus University in Denmark on Hyper-hybrid Learning Spaces. This presentation will give insight into a 6-year development of a theory-grounded, pedagogy-focused, design-driven and practice-implemented approach to hyper-hybrid teaching and learning.

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