Items with category:CRADLE Seminar Series

Recording and slides now available: CRADLE Seminar Series – Phillip Dawson on cheating and academic integrity

If you weren’t able to join us for our CRADLE Seminar Series last month to...

More upcoming CRADLE events in 2019

With a busy first half of 2019 over, here’s a preview of what’s coming up...

Recording and slides now available: CRADLE Seminar Series – Rola Ajjawi on assessing work-integrated learning

If you weren’t able to join us in April to hear CRADLE’s A/Prof. Rola Ajjawi...

Unpacking feedback literacy processes in international students – Seminar: 2 August 2019

International students encounter many academic and sociocultural challenges when studying in a new environment, including...

Cheating in the name of academic integrity: CRADLE Seminar Series

The latest presentation in the 2019 CRADLE Seminar Series saw our own A/Prof. Phillip Dawson...

Digital media literacy in higher education – Seminar: 16 July 2019

Digital media are an integral feature of the contemporary university but, although nearly every aspect...

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