Items with category:CRADLE Seminar Series

Informal interaction and professional learning: Considerations for higher education – CRADLE Seminar Series

A sold-out audience at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us for our fascinating...

More clues, cues and signposts please: First year student views on assignments – CRADLE Seminar Series

A full house at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us to hear CQUniversity’s...

Informal interaction and professional learning: Considerations for higher education – Seminar: 15 October 2019

Conversations about teaching in higher education occur despite contexts which offer inconsistent support for teaching...

Using research into diverse students’ assessment experiences to change practice – Seminar: 17 September 2019

Students entering higher education are increasingly diverse, and their early experiences of assessment can play...

Unpacking feedback literacy processes in international students: CRADLE Seminar Series

There was a strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and online for the latest presentation in...

Digital media literacy in the context of higher education – Challenges and opportunities: CRADLE Seminar Series

A large audience at Deakin Downtown and online joined us to hear REDI’s Dr Luci...

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