Items with category:CRADLE Seminar Series

CRADLE Seminar Series – ‘The remote proctored exams dilemma’ – 11 May, 2pm

Please join us for our second online seminar for 2021 presented by CRADLE’s Associate Director,...

The Impact of CRADLE on Higher Education – CRADLE Seminar Series 2021

An enthusiastic audience recently joined us for our first CRADLE seminar series of 2021.This reflective...

Launching the 2021 CRADLE Seminar Series!

Please join us for our first seminar presented by CRADLE’s Director, Alfred Deakin Prof. David...

Two days, two CRADLE seminars: Defending and re-imagining assessment

As part of a double bill jointly presented by CRADLE and Transforming Assessment, CRADLE’s A/Prof....

Publishing diverse voices: feminism, social justice and academic publishing – CRADLE Seminar Series

An engaged audience from far and wide joined us for a thought-provoking online seminar from...

Publishing diverse voices: Feminism, social justice and academic publishing – CRADLE Seminar Series

The need to diversify research and scholarly publishing is increasingly well-recognised – but what does...

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