Need assignment advice? See how a Language and Learning Adviser or Writing Mentor can help you (and how they differ)
In what instances should you seek help from either a Language and Learning Adviser or a Writing Mentor?
In what instances should you seek help from either a Language and Learning Adviser or a Writing Mentor?
This handy checklist will help you improve your assignment preparation, research, and writing skills.
Every Deakin student can access the online platform for tutoring help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our Writing Mentors are available both online and on campus to provide you fast, friendly and comprehensive help – no appointment needed!
We can help you get ready to sit the LANTITE, a government test that all teacher education students must pass to work in the teaching profession.
You can take part in this Orientation session activity at any time until 2 August!
Getting your referencing right will be key to your success at Deakin.
Deakin's PASS sessions are your opportunity to be personally tutored by student leaders who have received high marks in your unit.
Whether you're just commencing or you've been studying at Deakin for a while, see these five essential tips for making the most of your library in T2/S2.
The library will be a key partner in your success at Deakin – see how we can help you access all the resources you'll need during your studies.
See our series of online workshops to help you develop your study skills and manage your blended learning in T2/S2.
Meet Jill Stephens, your Liaison Librarian for Health, SEBE and Arts & Education at Warrnambool Campus.