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Students chatting in outdoor dining area

12 March 2025

Tell us how we can help you succeed at uni and you could score a gift voucher!

At Deakin, we recognise that every student’s journey is unique. To better support all students, we want to understand the factors that influence academic success and how students navigate our support services.

We are strengthening our commitment to student success by enhancing our support processes – both broadly for all students and through targeted assistance for those who may be at risk of academic challenges.

To ensure we will design services, systems and processes aligned to student needs and delivering student agency we are asking students to participate in a Shaping Student Success survey.

Take our Shaping Student Success survey now

The Shaping Student Success survey aims to learn more about your academic experiences, including any challenges you’ve faced and your engagement with support services. Your insights will help shape the future of student support at Deakin.

Your responses will remain confidential, but the feedback collected will be used to improve the University’s approach to student success, support and possible interventions.

This survey should take approximately 1015 minutes to complete, depending on your responses.

All participants will go in the draw to win one of fifty $25 digital Woolworths vouchers. See the full Terms and Conditions below.

Take the Shaping Student Success survey now.

We appreciate your time and honesty in sharing your experiences. Your insights will directly inform how we improve student support at Deakin.

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