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An overhead shot of Elgar Road Student Central hub

17 February 2025

Get your University questions answered by visiting or contacting Student Central

If you ever have a question about study and uni life, the best way to get an answer quickly and easily is to contact Student Central first. We can answer your question in-person, by phone or through the Student help hub.

For course and enrolment advice, you can also book a one-on-one appointment with a Student Adviser. You do not need an appointment to order, or collect, your Deakin Card.

Extended walk-in opening hours for the start of the study period

To make sure you’re all set for the start of the study period, our Burwood and Waurn Ponds Student Central hubs will be open on Saturday 1 and Saturday 8 March for walk-in consultations, no appointments bookable, during the following times:

One of our friendly Student Advisers will either be able to answer your question straight away or point you in the right direction for specialised assistance. You can ask Student Central for help with:

Please note, there will be no change to the hours or days you can call Student Central, which will remain 10am to 2pm on Saturdays as per normal.

How to contact Student Central

Happy studying!

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