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26 July 2024

Uncloud myths around vaping and how to protect your health

Do you smoke or vape? You’ve no doubt heard of vaping or seen other people doing it. We all know smoking can cause a range of health and wellbeing problems, but vaping is currently becoming a major health issue we can’t ignore.

Vaping – inhaling vapour using an e-cigarette – is a relatively new practice and many people think it’s safer than smoking. Far from being a safer alternative, vaping is extremely addictive and exposes users to a poisonous cocktail of chemicals. There’s also strong behavioural links between vaping and smoking – for example, research shows that people who use e-cigarettes are three times more likely to smoke tobacco, and former smokers who vape are more likely to relapse. Scary stuff.

Deakin says ‘no’ to smoking and vaping

Deakin is a smoke- and vape-free zone, which includes our campus grounds, buildings and carparks. This policy is to keep our community healthy and ensure a clean and enjoyable campus experience for all.

It’s not just Deakin taking this stance – all Victorian universities have similar policies. So, if you see someone vaping or smoking on campus, politely ask them to stop or butt out!

Get clear about the facts on vaping

In line with Deakin’s Student Health Promotion Plan 2023–2025, we also support the UNCLOUD campaign

UNCLOUD initiativeempowering young people to see vaping for what it is. With more and more young people vaping every year, UNCLOUD creates space for young people to hear from their peers. To share their experiences, thoughts and feelings. To have a voice. UNCLOUD is a hub to find peer-reviewed, scientifically-backed information about vapes, and see vaping for what it is. But, more importantly, it’s a platform for young Australians to warn each other of the horrors of vaping. Here, they can write the warning labels they were never given. The warnings vapes never came with. All to build understanding and spark conversations about the impacts of vaping. Visit UNCLOUD to learn more and see vaping for what it is.

Did you know:

See the Deakin Vape-free webpage for more information about vaping and UNCLOUD – it’s time to bust the myths about vaping. We’ll also be holding upcoming student education workshops about the harms of vaping and support in quitting, so keep an eye on the Deakin Vape-free webpage as we’ll have more information for you soon.

Ready to quit vaping or smoking? 

We can help! We know that quitting isn’t an easy process, especially if your friends smoke or vape, but we’re with you every step of the way. Better to quit now and spare yourself problems with addiction and ill health later down the track.

To start your vape- or smoke-free journey, contact the Deakin Medical Centre. We provide free Quit counselling support, so book an appointment nowAccording to WHO, your chance of quitting successfully increases by a massive 84% if you receive professional medical advice.

You can also visit the Quit website for amazing resources, including Quit Plan, QuitCoach and QuitTxt, which provide personalised support for your quitting journey. 

For more information about the dangers of vaping and resources to help you quit, visit our Deakin’s Vape-free webpage – remember you are not alone!

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