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Students walking outside at Burwood Campus

9 July 2024

Balancing freedom of speech and community respect at Deakin

At Deakin, we are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment where both freedom of speech and academic freedom are vigorously upheld.

Our community thrives on diverse opinions and perspectives, with open-minded inquiry and respectful disagreement essential to our university culture.

Our Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom actively supports the rights of our students and staff to freedom of speech and academic freedom.

These rights must be balanced with the rights of other community members to pursue their work and studies safely and without intimidation or harassment. All events and activities, including protests, must be conducted peacefully, considering the rights and safety of others on campus.

Our Student Code of Conduct requires all students to follow the University’s reasonable directions and adhere to our University Property Procedure.

Alleged breaches of the Student Code of Conduct will be considered by the University’s Student Misconduct Committee.

As we navigate diverse viewpoints and complex issues, let us all commit to maintaining a respectful and engaging learning environment. We have created some guidance around the use of Deakin’s spaces, student-organised events, and all promotion and advertising on campus.

If you feel impacted by activities on campus, Deakin offers a range of services. Student Conduct and Complaints, Safer Community and Campus Security, and various health and wellbeing resources are available to support you.

We thank our community for cooperating and contributing to a welcoming university environment. Together, we can ensure that Deakin remains a place where everyone feels safe to express their views and engage in meaningful dialogue.

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