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Wellbeing Ambassadors and students with men's Health Week 2024 'Know Your Man Facts' placards

10 June 2024

Know your man facts and check in with your mates this Men’s Health Week

Do you identify as a male? Great, please read on – we really want you to stop and take a few minutes to think about your health and wellbeing.

Why? Because when you’re busy juggling study with work and life, it’s so easy to forget to look after yourself and instead just focus on the task at hand (such as those end-of-unit assessments!). But failing to manage key aspects of our health and wellbeing can snowball into bigger problems later. 

This Men’s Health Week runs from Monday 10 to Sunday 16 June, and we’re shining a spotlight on how you can proactively protect and benefit your physical, social and emotional wellbeing by identifying potential issues early and implementing small changes. The theme for Men’s Health Week 2024 is Men’s Health Checks, and so we encourage you to take some time out this week to assess how you are looking after yourself as well as the other men in your life.

Ways you can be proactive about your health

Like anything on our daily to-do lists, it’s much easier to manage any risk factors and detect health worries as they arise or when they first catch your attention. Here are some easy ways you can take better care of your health and prevent more serious ailments down the track – starting now!

Check up

Research shows males experience higher rates of a range of chronic diseases and premature death than do females. More men die from cancer, heart disease and suicide, because often issues aren’t addressed or treated early enough. The reality is that most of men’s health problems are preventable and early detection can be crucial. Listen to your body. If you feel that something’s a bit off, either physically or mentally, don’t put off seeking help – do it early. Our on-campus Deakin Medical Centres are an accessible and safe space, and confidential consultations with our friendly doctors and nurses are bulk-billed.

Check in

According to, men tend to live four years shorter on average and suffer from more lifestyle-related health conditions than women of the same age. Men also have a four times higher risk of dying by suicide, with research showing around two-thirds of men don’t feel comfortable reaching out for help when they’re struggling. Please know you are not alone if you need help relating to your mental health. You can talk to a Deakin counsellor, visit our Ask Counselling blog or download the DeakinWELLBEING app – your one-stop-shop for all things health. And remember to check in with your mates regularly too – a simple conversation could save a life.

Healthy lifestyles

Did you know roughly half of Australian men are insufficiently physically active and do not consume the recommended daily serves of vegetables and fruit? Furthermore, around 13% of Australian men smoke daily and 26% consume a risky amount of alcohol. Staying healthy and happy is about moving more, eating well and avoiding known harmful habits. Check out Deakin’s online healthy eating hub, Nourished @ Deakin, which features ideas, inspiration and step-by-step meal guides – you can also pick up a range of fresh fruit, veggies and pantry staples at DUSA’s Food Pantry on campus. Discover DeakinACTIVE’s June special offers to get your body moving, and if you need some help quitting smoking or vaping, see how we can help!

Get involved

Staying connected to others is crucial for our wellbeing. Discover what community events are happening in your area this Men’s Health Week – you may even want to organise your own! Beyond next week, check out Deakin’s events calendar for a range of events to connect with your peers. Trying a new hobby or joining a club is also one of the best ways you can meet people. DUSA, the Deakin University Student Association, host events and short courses throughout the year, plus more than 120 student clubs and societies which are based on a wide variety of interests, sports and demographics, so you’re sure to connect with some like-minded pals this way!

Hear more from our Wellbeing Ambassadors and students

It’s important to realise that men’s health is about wellness, not just illness. Having a positive and proactive attitude to all aspects of your health and wellbeing is vital. How well do you know your man facts? Take the quiz with our Student Wellbeing Ambassadors on Instagram this week!

For more handy resources and info to help you get a handle on your health, check out the Men’s Health Week webpage.

Support is always available

We also offer a range of health and wellbeing services to support you as a student.

For urgent support outside of business hours, contact Lifeline (13 11 14) or SuicideLine (1300 651 251) straight away. They’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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