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Multideck Carpark view from Smythe St

17 January 2024

The new Waterfront Campus Multideck Carpark is now open!

It’s ready! Great news if you drive to uni, Deakin’s much anticipated new Multideck Carpark at the Waterfront Campus is now complete and available to park in for students, staff and visitors as of Wednesday 17 January.

Positioned between Brougham Street and Smythe Street, next to Waterfront Student Accommodation, the car park was built with an emphasis on sustainable construction materials and creating a visually interesting building that integrates with the existing landscape. This new parking facility provides replacement parking after the handover of Car Park 2 for the development of the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre. 

But it’s more than just parking, the building boasts electric vehicle charging stations, a gym, a yoga studio and an activated laneway which will be used for market stalls and University and public events in future.

View of the Multideck Carpark from Brougham Street

View of the Multideck Carpark from Brougham Street

Using the Multideck Carpark 

Please be aware of the following when using the new carpark.

For VPermit holders and CellOPark users 

The exit from the Multideck Carpark

What’s next?

There’s even more to look forward to, as the Wellness Centre, run by DeakinACTIVE, on Level 1 of the Multideck Carpark is set to open in time for the start of Trimester 1 2024. Keep an eye out!

We greatly appreciate your patience for any disruptions or adjustments needed while construction was underway and welcome you to the new Multideck Carpark.

If you have any questions about the car park or need assistance, please contact

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