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Keegan Marsh (centre), a Deakin Abroad

12 October 2023

Lessons to last a lifetime: Keegan shares his study abroad adventures (see how you can do it too!)

At Deakin, you have access to an incredible study abroad program that lets you choose from more than 120 global learning opportunities in over 30 countries. These range in length from a few weeks to a year, and you gain course credit (not to mention many wonderful memories and international friends!) at the same time.

We also have funded opportunities, via New Colombo Plan programs, which means you can be paid to travel the Indo-Pacific region while you study – keep reading for more details! 

Here, student Keegan Marsh shares the corners of the globe he’s seen on his study abroad adventures, and the academic and professional benefits he is gaining from these experiences.

As a Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce student at Deakin, I am dedicated to acquiring a multi-faceted understanding of international relations. This aligns closely with my long-term aspirations to work in diplomatic roles with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or the United Nations.

Deakin Abroad student Keegan (centre) with university friends at a pub in Exeter

University of Exeter, UK

At the University of Exeter, my short-term exchange program saw me in an ‘International Relations: Security, Conflict and Peace’ unit. This academic experience enriched my understanding of global security and offered crucial insights into subjects such as nuclear disarmament and asymmetric warfare. The skills and knowledge acquired from this unit are directly relevant to diplomatic dialogue and conflict resolution within the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Exeter is a town with its own unique charm. The Imperial, or ‘Impy’, was where we went for drinks, especially to enjoy the spacious beer garden during the United Kingdom’s 2022 summer heatwaves – a typical summer by Australian standards. With budget-friendly beers and Pimms on offer, the atmosphere was excellent for socialising, and I made many lasting friendships.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

The extensive academic and cultural exposure I received in Italy was invaluable for my understanding of European diplomacy and politics. Both are crucial areas for my future career aspirations within international organisations like the United Nations.

Back in Australia, my studies often framed the European Union as a distant political entity, dissected through the lens of external perspectives. Sitting in a classroom in Milan, however, I could appreciate the tangible impacts of European Union governance, laws, and regulations in a way that was previously abstract to me. This enriched my academic understanding significantly, adding layers of nuance and real-world context that simply cannot be replicated when studying the topic from afar.

Studying a trimester exchange in Milan also served as a starting point for diverse travel adventures. Italy itself became a vibrant classroom without walls, from the scenic beauty of Cinque Terre to the architectural marvels in Florence, and the iconic canals of Venice. I delved into lesser-known areas like Bergamo, famous for its Venetian walls; Luca, renowned for its Walled City; and Turin, where I took in the local history. I explored neighbouring regions as well: the Alpine charm of Innsbruck, the understated elegance of Ljubljana, the rich history of Munich, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris (which is exceptionally captivating at night). 

Mahidol University, Thailand

Deakin Abroad student Keegan in Mahidol

My time in Thailand during a short-term exchange program offered a unique cultural immersion. This provided a cornerstone for understanding the societal intricacies crucial for diplomacy. This academic adventure bolstered both my formal and informal skill sets, especially in the area of cross-cultural communication, a vital skill for Australia’s diplomatic efforts in the Indo-Pacific region. Supported by the New Colombo Plan, this experience aligns with its objectives of uplifting Indo-Pacific capability in Australian graduates.

What’s next?

A United Nations Headquarters Study Tour in Geneva with the United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria Division), and Masaryk University in Czechia.

Through these experiences, I am progressively building a set of skills and knowledge that are highly aligned with my career objectives in diplomacy. Each program complements the other, providing a multi-layered approach to academic, cultural, and practical learning that I anticipate applying in roles aimed at contributing to global peacekeeping, security, and sustainable development.

Keen to broaden your horizons in T3?

If you’re interested in studying overseas in T3 but need some help supporting your expenses, you’re in luck! With the New Colombo Plan, you can study in the Indo-Pacific region AND get paid to travel! Explore opportunities such as:

Got a question or interested in other opportunities? See the Study Abroad webpage or email [email protected]

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