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Tertiary Access Payment. Applications are open!

5 April 2023

Have you moved from a regional or remote area to study? You may be eligible for a $5000 grant

Did you know that the Australian Government provides financial assistance to students from regional and remote areas?

If this is your first year of an undergraduate degree, you completed Year 12 (or equivalent) in 2022 and you have moved (or will be moving) from an inner regional, outer regional or remote area to study, you may be eligible for a one-off relocation payment of up to $5000.

How it works

The Tertiary Access Payment is a one-off payment of $3000–$5000 available to school-leavers from regional or remote areas who relocate to undertake full-time, higher-level tertiary education (Certificate IV and above).

To be eligible, you must meet a number of study, family income and location requirements. You can only claim the payment in your first year of study.

This payment is intended to help you cover increased costs you may incur when relocating to a new city or town to undertake your studies, and gives you some financial support during your first year of uni.

Although the payment might not cover all your costs, it can go towards some moving expenses such as the bond for your accommodation, assistance with rent and other household bills, as well as textbooks and study supplies.

Are you eligible? Apply today!

Visit Service Australia’s Tertiary Access Payment webpage to review your eligibility and apply online. You can claim the payment up until 31 December.

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