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Clockwise from top left: Margot, Amanda, Liv and Rachael

12 September 2022

It’s This Girl Can Week! Get inspired and get moving with DeakinACTIVE

You probably know that exercising is important for your physical and mental health, but that doesn’t change the fact that many women aren’t getting enough exercise each week.

Why? A big part of not trying new activities or getting involved in sport is a fear of being judged, or not being fit enough to start. Not to mention, twice as many women than men put off getting active because they’re worried about what other people think – how unfair is that? Sports, gyms and moving your body are for everybody (literally, every body).

This Girl Can is a campaign that celebrates and supports women embracing physical activity in any way that suits you. Whether it’s a little or a lot, what matters is getting some movement into your day. And here at Deakin, we want to support you in doing just that.

Celebrate This Girl Can Week at Deakin

This week is This Girl Can VIC Week 2022 (Monday 12–Sunday 18 September). It’s a week to celebrate and inspire ALL women – from all walks of life, ages and cultures – to get active in any way they choose.

We celebrate women in sport at Deakin, and to make the most of This Girl Can Week for 2022, DeakinACTIVE will be sharing #thisgirlcanvic content throughout the week, as well as sharing personal insights from a variety of female students, gym members and staff at Deakin – meet them below!

Rachael KirtleyRachael, DeakinACTIVE staff member, Waurn Ponds
I’m an active individual who loves all sports, in particular netball and AFL. I grew up at a very sporty primary school which fostered my love for physical activity. I always wanted to reach my full potential in all sports. Being active is largely a part of my lifestyle which is why I decided to make it my career path.

Liv Hanrahan

Liv, student and DeakinPLAY participant
I am a first-year student at Deakin, from Apollo Bay. I am studying a Bachelor of Social Work. I enjoy playing all types of sports and I was inspired to be active, so I could live a healthy lifestyle and feel better within myself, both physically and mentally.

Amanda LingAmanda Ling, student and AFLW player
I enjoy being outdoors and playing sport. I like to be active because it allows me to healthy and be with my friends. I study Bachelor of Health and Physical Education at Deakin. I am very active on a weekly basis. I do some sort of activity everyday, whether that’s training, games or just going for a walk or to the gym.

Margot, DeakinACTIVE memberMargot, student and DeakinACTIVE member
I’m a third-year Bachelor of Commerce student at Deakin also working part-time in retail. I’m inspired to be active because it makes me feel so good! I am very active – I’m at the gym once or twice a day.

Want to learn more about the different ways Rachael, Liv, Amanda and Margot stay active and nurture their wellbeing? Join us on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok social channels this week to hear their stories!

Join our free female-led classes this week

We’ll also be offering additional free group fitness classes during This Girl Can Week – run by females, for females! Book your free in-person group fitness classes via the DeakinMOVES app*. 

Wednesday 14 September: Cardio with Mel, 5pm
Thursday 15 September: Yoga with Amitha, 5.15pm

Waurn Ponds
Tuesday 13 September: Bootcamp with Rach, 5.15pm 
Thursday 15 September: Yoga with Mira, 5.30pm

Tuesday 13 September: Meditation at 10.15am – Book now
Thursday 15 September: Meditation at 10.15am – Book now

You can also book in for DeakinACTIVE’s regular free online meditation, pilates and yoga sessions at any time! They’ll help you stretch your body and relax your mind in between your final study sessions for T2.

Enjoy your week, and get MOVEing in any way you can!

*If you cannot download the DeakinMOVES app please contact DeakinACTIVE for assistance.

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