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13 May 2022

Got a question about sex or your sexual health? You CAN ask that at our online event

How informed and confident do you feel about sex and your sexual health? This part of your life may sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not aware of some essential facts or the whole thing is just completely new to you.

Your sexual identity and experiences can be an integral part of your life and wellbeing and are deeply personal. But we know it can be embarrassing or intimidating to talk about sex – you may not have a trusted person you can confide in, or even know how to articulate your questions. That’s OK! It’s natural to feel out of your depth or like you’re the only one who doesn’t have the answers.

That’s where we come in! We want to help empower you about sex and sexual health, so you can make informed decisions that are right for you.

Join us for You CAN ask that, a frank and fearless chat about all things sex and sexual health. Nothing is off limits in this safe and judgement-free space. The session will be hosted by Dr Bianca Klettke, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and some of our amazing nurses from the Deakin Medical Centre.

Some of the topics we’ll discuss are:

When: Thursday 19 May, 2.30–3.30pm
Register now.

How to keep looking after your sexual health

Did you know that you can have a free and confidential sexual health check at the Deakin Medical Centre? Ask about contraception; get screened and treated for an STI; and access pregnancy counselling, support and referrals. You’ll be in a safe space where you can ask questions and get the peace of mind and confidence that comes from learning about your body. 

If you’d like some advice, make a free appointment with a qualified Deakin counsellor or access our Student Assistance Program if you’re based overseas. You could also try Ask Counselling, our online counselling service for students with personal questions about psychological and emotional issues, or download the DeakinWELLBEING app.

Safer Community is Deakin’s central point of contact for reports and disclosures of sexual harm and family violence. Our staff are trained to support anyone who has experienced sexual harm. We also encourage you to complete the Respect at Deakin module, a short online unit that includes topics like the importance of consent and what makes a healthy relationship.

There’s also a range of community organisations with fantastic websites full of resources and advice on sex and relationships, in English and other languages. Sexual Health Victoria’s website and YouTube channel have heaps of sexual health info. You can find other great resources at and the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual harm or family violence, contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or Deakin’s Safer Community service. In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

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