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National Student Safety Survey

21 March 2022

Thank you for helping to create a safer space at Deakin

The National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) ran in September 2021 to gather data on the scale and nature of students’ perceptions of safety and experiences relating to sexual harm (including sexual assault and sexual harassment), discrimination, harassment at Australian universities. On Wednesday 23 March, the NSSS results will be released nationally, and Deakin will publish our NSSS results online to share these important outcomes with our entire community.  

Support at Deakin and beyond

For some in our community, Wednesday’s results may be distressing. 

Knowing where to get help and where to refer is vital. Deakin is committed to ensuring that members of our community have access to free and confidential advice and support throughout their time at Deakin. 

Support at Deakin

For support or to report sexual harm, behaviours of concern, or family violence, please contact Safer Community (Monday to Friday, 9 am-4 pm) on 03 9244 3734 or at [email protected].  

We also offer online reporting of sexual harm, family violence and behaviours of concern

Deakin also provides counselling(on-campus and telehealth in Australia, and support for students located overseas).  

By contacting Safer Community or a service within Deakin’s Health and Wellbeing team, you can also request academic flexibility, special consideration, housing, and financial support. 

Immediate response or imminent danger

External support services

Our priority is the safety, welfare, and privacy of those impacted by sexual harm, family violence, discrimination, or behaviours of concern. All disclosures are handled in a compassionate way that prioritises the needs of both the individual and the University community. 

More information  

View Deakin’s response to the NSSS and more information on Deakin’s National Student Safety Survey web page. 


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