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3 February 2022

If you’re a student with disability, employment support is available

Finding suitable and long-lasting graduate employment isn’t always easy, and there can be added challenges if you’re a student living with disability, illness or injury.

We want all Deakin graduates to find a job that suits their circumstances and career goals. We’re proud to partner with GradWISE, who works closely with Australian universities to provide support and improve employment opportunities for students with disability, a mental or physical health condition, or injury.

Here’s how you can find out more.

Be part of Industry AccessABILITY Week

Prepare for the graduate and internship recruitment process by getting the inside scoop from leading industry employers during Industry AccessABILITY Week 2022 (IAW).

Hosted by GradWISE from Monday 14 to Friday 18 February, this year’s theme is ‘Navigating the New Normal’. Presenters from organisations including the Victorian Government, IBM, Telstra, KPMG, and the Department of Social Services will share their career journey and provide helpful information about how you can stand out from the crowd.

There will be three sessions per day during IAW. Register now for access to all sessions and to receive an events calendar (you only need to register once).

Learn about GradWISE’s award-winning services

GradWISE offers you a customised coaching program in a one-on-one setting to help you gain the skills and experience to find the perfect graduate role. GradWISE will work with you, and its pool of employers, to make the perfect match and provide all the support you need before and during your employment, for as long as you need it.

Learn more about how GradWISE can help you by joining this upcoming info session. Topics will include:

You’ll also hear from a GradWISE alumni about their experience with GradWISE and their exciting career!

When: Wednesday 16 March, 10am – 12pm
Register now

Discover the disability support available at Deakin

Deakin’s vibrant and diverse community includes many students who have a learning barrier or disability. This can be experienced as a result of a wide range of conditions, and includes students who care for a person with disability.

If you know – or think – you may be in this group, you need to know about the Disability Resource Centre (DRC). The DRC supports the University community to be more inclusive of, and provide adjustments for, students for whom a disability, health or mental health condition affects their access to education.

The DRC works with more than 4000 students to help them get the most out of their Deakin experience.

When you register with the DRC, you’ll be assigned a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO), who will help you access the services appropriate to your disability or condition. You might also receive a Learning Access Plan (LAP), which is designed to minimise any educational disadvantage.

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