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17 January 2022

Five essential things to do before you sit your T3 exams

This trimester, due to ongoing COVID restrictions, exams and final assessments will be delivered through your CloudDeakin unit site. 

With exam time due to begin from Thursday 10–Friday 18 February 2022, here is a checklist of essential things to do now to successfully prepare for your online exams. 

1. Check all of your unit sites 

Each of your unit sites will now have information about your T3 final assessments or exams. You must check each unit site individually, as the tasks and requirements will vary for each unit. 

Don’t leave this to the last minute – take the time now to familiarise yourself with the details of your exams and your requirements. This will allow you time to contact your Unit Chair for clarification if you’re unable to locate exam information.

2. Complete some practice exams

If you’re given opportunities to engage with practice exams in your unit or course site, make the most of these learning tools! Completing practice assessments is a valuable way of preparing for exams, and it is especially important now if you are not accustomed to undertaking online forms of assessment. 

This practice will ensure you don’t feel confused about what is expected of you on the day of your exam. And, you’ll still have enough time to clarify gaps in your understanding, ask questions in your unit discussion boards and/or contact your Unit Chair for help. 

3. Confirm exactly when your online exams are scheduled

Remember to check (and double-check!) StudentConnect for your individual exam timetable and your unit site for individual exam details. Do this now, so you’re well prepared and can block out enough time before each assessment to get ready and mentally prepare yourself.  

All essential details, including time limits to complete the exam, and the time period during which you must take the online exams, are listed in your unit sites.  

Remember: you need to double-check Deakin has your correct address/exam location details now. In your exam timetable, you’ll see we have recorded a ‘Current location’ for you. Even though you will not be sitting your exam at this venue, it is important that this represents the timezone you’ll be in during exam time. Most online final assessments will be time-limited and require you to start at the Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT) listed in StudentConnect. If you need to set or change your location for timezone purposes, you can do so until Thursday 27 January 2022 (no further changes will be possible after this date). Please do this as early as possible, as updating this information is important for the timing of your exam.

4. Plan the days you’ll sit an exam ahead of time

Now is the time to decide where you will complete your online exams and begin planning.  

Please note if you’re registered with Deakin’s Disability Resource Centre (DRC), Access Plan adjustments will be applied to exams where relevant. You’ll receive information about your arrangements via your Deakin email and unit sites.  

Start setting up your space now to ensure it is well-lit, comfortable, quiet and free from distractions. It’s a good idea to get your study space ready now to reduce the risk of technical disruptions. 

For more practical advice in setting up your space, including troubleshooting tips to help you during your exam, read our CloudDeakin technical support information and FAQs to ensure your online exams go smoothly. Keep this information on hand during your exams in case you experience technical troubles on the day and need to contact IT for assistance. 

And if something does go wrong during your exam? Remember you can contact the IT Help team on 1800 463 888. Service Desk support is available 8am–10pm Monday to Friday and 9am–5pm Saturday to Sunday (AEDT) during the entire exam period (10–18 February 2022).

Be aware of special consideration processes

Special consideration is intended to assist you in dealing with short-term, unexpected setbacks. To request special consideration for T3 exams, please note documentary evidence will be required to support your application. 

What you need to know about special consideration due to technology issues

During your exam, remember to:

Please note in regards to all exams, you’ll need to apply for special consideration via StudentConnect no later than three working days after the due date of your final online exam. Visit the Special Consideration webpage for full details on how to apply for this trimester. Please note consideration in marking is not an outcome of Special Consideration. 

Good luck! For more information about T3 exams, see Deakin’s General exam information webpage.

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