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Smiling male students with headphones at Burwood Campus

26 July 2021

How should Deakin invest the 2022 Student Services and Amenities Fee?

Each year, students contribute to the quality of their Deakin experience through a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). All Australian universities charge this fee, which is used for a select list of services legislated by the government.

Over the past few years, we’ve used SSAF revenue to invest in student welfare, facilities and social activities. Think of the sporting upgrades across our campuses, services for when you’re having a tough time with study or life in general, improved Student Central facilities, student media, and Deakin’s clubs and societies.

These services and amenities create a vibrant, diverse and supportive Deakin community culture to support and inspire you.

COVID-19 restrictions throughout 2020 saw an enormous increase in the services we provide online. Given the ongoing impact of outbreaks, we know it’s essential to provide ongoing and continued access to online health and wellbeing and study support services during these challenging periods.

So in 2021, we’ve continued to expand these online services while increasing access to on-campus events, activities and resources to reflect COVID-Normal when we can. 

Here’s how we’re spending the SSAF money in 2021.

Tell us your priority areas for the 2022 SSAF

Deakin consults with various groups on the spending of the SSAF revenue, including student representative bodies such as DUSA. We also want to hear from you – what do you think are the most important services and amenities for students, and are there any areas that need extra attention?

The proposed uses for the SSAF revenue in 2022 are:

Is there something on this list that you’re particularly passionate about, or have we missed something important for Deakin students? Have your say now.

Email your feedback and recommendations to [email protected] by 5pm, Friday 13 August.

Please note: the amount of revenue anticipated for 2022 is yet to be determined. The SSAF rates and projected revenue will be made available in October.

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