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Group of students chatting an an informal learning space

23 June 2021

How to ace blended study: be honest, respectful, connected and safe

Who’s excited that our campuses will play a much greater role in the upcoming study period (T2/S2) than we’ve been able to experience in recent months? (Yep, us too!)

Campus-based students will see an increase in physical learning activities – timetabled classes, seminars, and supervised activities like placements, fieldwork, study tours and research activities – as well as more on-campus events, facilities and services. These will be delivered alongside online learning resources and experiences as part of our ‘blended study’ model.

With this in mind, we want T2/S2 to be safe, respectful and enjoyable for everyone – both when you’re on campus and online. Here’s some things you can do to look after yourself and others.

Be honest

Be respectful

Be connected

 Be safe

There are consequences for poor behaviour

Any student who behaves inappropriately in any face-to-face or online learning space will be directed to stop the behaviour. If it continues, the student will be asked to leave. Staff will report discriminatory or offensive language, bullying or harassment to the Student Conduct Team, which investigates allegations of student misconduct.

Formal penalties from the University may affect your grades and enrolment and, in some cases, hinder your degree or future career.

Support is available

If you have personal issues that are making it hard for you to study effectively, help is available:

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