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Seated row of university students at graduation ceremony

16 February 2021

Beyond Deakin: How the library supports alumni

Graduating from university? Congratulations! It’s a massive achievement in any student’s life. And while you’re heading out to the wide blue yonder, you don’t have to leave the support of your library behind.

Deakin Library has a range of services for our alumni. Complete a free membership application to open up the range of alumni e-resources and borrow from any of our campus libraries to help you with your lifelong learning.

In addition to accessing these resources, alumni members can:

Your alumni membership lasts for 12 months and can be renewed each year.

Check out our ‘Beyond Deakin’ guide to free, reputable sources of research to help your workplace decision-making, and our tips on establishing your online professional identity and keeping it up to date. While this guide was created by Health Liaison Librarians, there are lots of materials that will be relevant to alumni from any faculty.

Information will remain an important part of your life, and Deakin’s still here to guide you on your way. Best of luck in your career, and happy graduation!

Originally published on Article, the Deakin Library blog.

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