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Smiling girl floating in water

11 February 2021

Fancy a swim? Read this to learn how to stay safe in the water

Heading to the beach, pool, river, lake or other waterhole for a dip is one of the joys of the Australian summer. And here in Victoria we’re lucky of have some of the best swimming spots in the world.

But this wonderful pastime requires smart choices or else it can end in tragedy. Since July last year, 43 people have drowned in Victoria (18 in December and January alone). The majority of these victims were male, and it’s the highest number of drownings for this period ever recorded in Victoria. Life Saving Victoria also conducted 476 rescues between November 2020 and 25 January this year.

We know how tempting it is to get out into the great outdoors during the warmer months, especially after those long weeks of COVID-19 lockdown. Everyone should be able to enjoy the unique feelings of exhilaration and freedom that come from swimming.

But to stay safe in the water, please ensure you educate yourself about the risks, know how to make sensible decisions and avoid peer pressure. It may save your life – or that of someone you care about.

What you need to know before you dive in

Want to know more about how to stay safe while swimming? Visit Play it Safe by the Water and LifeSaving Victoria for more information and resources, including in languages other than English. You can also follow Life Saving Victoria on Facebook for regular updates.

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