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August 9, 2018

Power, Space, Technology: Towards a Global Digital Criminology

Globalisation is producing new forms of interpenetration and interdependence, alongside new cultures, identities, threats, and possibilities. Agents of state power have responded to this by re-figuring practiced understandings of law, crime, security and threat, leading to novel capabilities for monitoring mobility, new authorities and powers for securing observed risks, and different ways of thinking about and governing problem populations as they move and transact.

This panel brings together experts in border security, transnational policing, and intellectual property to discuss how they see the changing relationships between space, power and technology. Speakers will also offer their view on what a ‘digital criminology’ might look like, and how it could engage with other fields of research.

Panellists include: Dr Ian Warren (Deakin University); Dr Peter Chambers (RMIT University); Dr Monique Mann (Queensland University of Technology); and Dr Ramon Lobato  (RMIT University). 

Chaired by: Associate Professor Anastasia Powell 

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Event to be held at the following time, date and location:
Thursday, 30 August 2018 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST)
Followed by the book launch of ‘Digital Criminology: Crime and Justice in Digital Society’ from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Building 80 (445 Swanston Street), RMIT University, Melbourne City Campus

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