Introducing the latest addition to our team: Dr Pete Chambers
Deakin Criminology is excited to introduce the latest addition to our team: Dr Pete Chambers.
Pete joins the team as a Lecturer in Criminology based at the Waurn Ponds (Geelong) campus.
Pete’s research addresses border security as a way of understanding the co-emergence of offshore detention and onshore enclaves. The normative focus of this work develops the implications of border security, offshore, and enclaving for global mobility and political justice. He also has a secondary focus on power in space, and at the moment he is examining surveillant uses of smartphones, creative resistance to the securitization of prominent public spaces, and the micropolitics of urban conflicts, such as the one currently playing out between motorists and cyclists in Australia.
Pete has a monthly blog with The Monthly.
Click here to read his latest post on the war between cyclists and motorists in Australia.