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May 8, 2019

Forthcoming Addressing Filicide Conference 14-15 Nov 2019 Deakin Downtown

Monash Deakin Filicide Research Hub – 2019 Addressing Filicide Conference 

‘Fourth International Conference for Cross National Dialogue’

Date: 14 to 15 Nov 2019 Venue: Deakin Downtown

Filicide is a tragic event and both the media and wider community continue to struggle to comprehend what could motivate a parent to kill their child (or children). State and federal government’s recent investment in domestic violence services has placed the risks for children exposed to domestic violence at the heart of the discussion on the prevention of filicide, but the complexity of filicide necessitates much more discussion and research.

The Monash Deakin Filicide Research Hub is calling for abstracts and welcomes contributions to the forthcoming conference from all disciplines including law, psychology, social work, criminology, criminal justice, general medicine, psychiatry, nursing, policy research, academic, governmental and non-governmental researchers, policy and program developers as well as from service organisations and victim advocacy and support groups.

The conference program includes keynote speakers:

Professor Cathy Humphreys: Social Work, University of Melbourne, Co-chair (with Prof Kelsey Hegarty) of the Melbourne research Alliance to End Violence Against Women and Their Children (MAEVe) and one of the lead investigators on the Safer Families Centre for Research Excellence.

Professor Claudia Klier: adult and child psychiatrist working at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, where she is head of the Paediatric Psychosomatic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital, General Hospital.

Dr Russell Wate: retired police officer, formerly Detective Chief Superintendent for the Cambridge Constabulary, UK, and the UK policing lead investigator for child deaths.

Professor James Ogloff: Foundation Professor of Forensic Behavioural Science and Director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science at Swinburne University of Technology and Executive Director of Psychological Services at Forensicare.

Dr Adam Tomison: Director General of the Western Australian Department of Justice. 

For more information and the call for abstracts, please visit

Conference organising committee:

Professor Thea Brown, Social Work, Monash University [email protected]              

Dr Danielle Tyson, Criminology, Deakin University [email protected]  

Dr. Paula Fernandez Arias, Social Work, Monash University [email protected]


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