Emma Gretgrix

Miss Emma Gretgrix is a PhD Candidate and Casual Academic at Deakin University. Her PhD research explores whether there is a disjuncture between sexual violence policy (as written) and practice (policy as implemented) in Australian universities – with a specific focus on disclosure, reporting and outcomes experienced by student victim-survivors. Emma’s research interests include sexual violence prevention and response, particularly in the Higher Education context, and victim-survivors’ help-seeking behaviours. Emma completed her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in 2020, with her thesis examining language and content within sexual violence policies from universities located in Victoria. In 2022, Emma published an article based on her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) thesis in the Q1 journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy. In 2021 and 2022, as a Casual Research Fellow, Emma built and expanded her applied research skills as part of two external research projects. The experience gained involved planning and conducting qualitative, semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders, as well as interview transcription. As a result of this role, Emma was named as co-author on a paper published in the Q1 journal European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Emma is a current Criminology marker at Deakin University, with experience in marking first and second year university students. In 2023, Emma will be presenting preliminary findings from her PhD thesis at the December ANZSOC conference in Melbourne.
Gretgrix E and Farmer C (2022) ‘Heteronormative Assumptions and Expectations of Sexual Violence: Language and Inclusivity within Sexual Violence Policy in Australian Universities’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, DOI: 10.1007/s13178-022-00718-7
Farmer C, Miller P, Kennedy S, Saligari J and Gretgrix E (2022) ‘An Examination of Community Awareness and Understanding of Patron Banning Provisions in Western Australia: Implications for Policy Development and Success’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10610-022-09531-9
August 14, 2023