Dr Adam Molnar joins Board of the Australian Privacy Foundation
Dr Adam Molnar has recently joined as Board Member of the Australian Privacy Foundation (APF). The APF is Australia’s primary association that focuses “public attention on emerging issues that pose a threat to the freedom and privacy of Australians” (APF Website). The APF regularly contributes independent information on “privacy risks in all forms of technology and practices, and campaigns for new laws, regulations, codes, policies and practices, and [advances] amendments to existing laws, regulations, codes, policies and practices” in Australia and around the world (APF Website).
While serving on the board of the APF, Dr Molnar will contribute independent information to corporations, associations and government agencies, consumer organisations, civil liberties councils and other community groups on specific issues of surveillance, technology, and privacy, particularly in the areas of law enforcement and national security.
For more information about the Australian Privacy Foundation, click here.