Items with Tag: International students

Unpacking feedback literacy processes in international students: CRADLE Seminar Series

There was a strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and online for the latest presentation in...

Unpacking feedback literacy processes in international students – Seminar: 2 August 2019

International students encounter many academic and sociocultural challenges when studying in a new environment, including...

Assessment shock – Chinese students’ first year experiences in Australian universities: CRADLE Seminar Series

A sold-out audience at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us to hear Fudan...

Understanding international students’ study experiences in Australia: Introducing CRADLE Fellow Dr Fiona McKay

I’m a new CRADLE Fellow for 2019. I’ve been at Deakin for almost seven years...

Assessment shock: Understanding Chinese international students’ first year experiences in Australian universities – Seminar: 21 May 2019

Education practitioners in Australian universities face an ongoing problem: how can we acculturate the large...

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