2021 Symposium
What is assessment for inclusion?
Problematising inclusion, equity, and access in higher education assessment

CRADLE hosted its fifth international research symposium in October 2021. The theme for the 2021 Symposium was What is assessment for inclusion? Problematising inclusion, equity, and access in higher education assessment. Attendance by a varied audience from across the globe reflected the widespread interest in this area of research. CRADLE’s most significant research event of the year featured keynote presentations by renowned international researchers.
- Dr Jan McArthur, Lancaster University: Creating Synergies between Assessment for Social Justice and Assessment for Inclusion.
- Professor Penny Jane Burke, University of Newcastle: Inclusive Assessment: Recognising Difference through Communities of Praxis.
Creating Synergies between Assessment for Social Justice and Assessment for Inclusion | Inclusive Assessment: Recognising Difference through Communities of Praxis |
Dr Jan McArthur | Professor Penny Jane Burke |
We also tackled the big questions on Inclusive Assessment in our interactive panel discussion.
The symposium and associated book brought together international authors to examine how diversity and inclusion impact assessment in higher education. The book provides educators with the knowledge and understanding required to transform practices so that they are more equitable and inclusive of diverse learners.

Symposium Delegates
Dr Taskeen Adam University of Cambridge | Professor Andrew Harvey La Trobe University |
Associate Professor Rola Ajjawi Deakin University | Dr Neera Jain University of Auckland |
Professor Margaret Bearman Deakin University | Dr Trina Jorre De St Jorre Deakin University |
Professor David Boud Deakin University | Associate Professor Christopher Johnstone University of Minnesota |
Professor Roseanna Bourke Massey University | Professor Leanne Ketterlin-Geller Southern Methodist University |
Dr Matthew Brett Deakin University | Dr Sarah Lambert Deakin University |
Professor Penny Jane Burke University of Newcastle | Dr Jan McArthur Lancaster University |
Dr Nicole Crawford Curtin University | Dr Juuso Nieminen University of Eastern Finland |
Dr Joanne Dargusch CQ University | Associate Professor Geraldine O’Neill University College Dublin |
Professor Phillip Dawson Deakin University | Professor Sarah O’Shea Curtin University |
Dr Janine Delahunty University of Wollongong | Dr Thanh Pham Monash University |
Dr Mollie Dollinger Deakin University | Dr Bret Stephenson La Trobe University |
Dr Mary Dracup Deakin University | Dr Joanna Tai Deakin University |
Dr Johanna Funk Charles Darwin University | Dr Matt Thomas Deakin University |
Dr Jessamy Gleeson Deakin University | Dr Ben Whitburn Deakin University |
Dr Lois Harris CQ University |