2017 Symposium
New opportunities: re-imagining assessment in a digital world
In October 2017, Professor David Boud and CRADLE staff hosted two days of high-level research conversations on the topic of ‘New opportunities: re-imagining assessment in a digital world’.

The symposium explored how assessment for learning can be refreshed and redesigned in a digital landscape. The symposium explored the questions of:
- What are the assessment and feedback challenges that we can now address more readily?
- What can we now conceive of in assessment that was previously beyond our imagination?
- What research agendas do we need to explore these new opportunities? How can we move from exciting innovation to routine practice?

The symposium and the associated book, Re-imagining Assessment in a Digital World, provides a different way of thinking about assessment in a digital world. It considers how technologies and assessment can be more than the sum of their parts.
Symposium Delegates
Dr Yoon Jeon Kim Research scientist, Teaching Systems Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts, USA | Dr Lois Harris Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Education and the Arts, Central Queensland University |
Professor Dirk Ifenthaler Chair and Professor for Learning, Design and Technology, University of Mannheim, Germany | Professor Sue Bennett Professor, Head of School, School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wollongong |
Professor Dragan Gasevic Chair in Learning Analytics and Informatics, Moray House School of Education and School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland | Dr Edd Pitt Lecturer in Higher Education & Academic Practice & PGCHE, Programme Director, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK |
Associate Professor Abelardo Pardo Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, The University of Sydney |