Items with category:Reflections

How can ‘assessment for learning’ meaningfully contribute to ‘programatic assessment’ – Review – CRADLE seminar Series 22 June

CRADLE PhD candidate Dr Damian Castanelli recently presented his seminar, ‘How can ‘assessment for learning’...

Practices, OSCEs and chatbots, last gasp publications from 2020

I’m playing with two threads in my thinking about higher and professional education. Firstly, sociomaterial/practice-based understandings of the world (that is, the entangled nature of things and spaces and people and activity). Secondly, as part of this entanglement, the omnipresent nature of technology and how it influences learning and working.  

Feedback literacy from education to professional practice

The recent Surrey International Symposium: ‘Feedback Literacy: From education to professional practice’ brought together over 250 delegates from 20 different countries to stimulate conversations across disciplinary boundaries and to forge new connections...

The CRADLE Development Partner Scheme & FAQs

In 2019, CRADLE started a new initiative to expand our ability to work with academics...

A reflection on CRADLE Conference 2020 and sociomateriality

To celebrate five years of amazing research, CRADLE organised its first CRADLE Conference, ‘University Assessment,...

How writing a novel compares with writing a journal article

I have always led a kind of double life, simultaneously working as an academic and...

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