Our Outreach Activities

Camberwell High School
Dr. Faezeh Makhlooghiazad and Dr. Timothy Khoo led an interactive, engaging outreach program with Camberwell High School’s Year 9 STEM class and IFM researchers on the 30th of November. In the session, IFM’s scientists outlined the main concepts of...

Work Experience at IFM Burwood
Two secondary school students had the oppertunity to experience working as research scientists in a week long work experience program run at IFM. The students experienced hands on sessions including chemistry techniques, battery assembly and testing, and using...

IFM Burwood hosts the storEnergy Training Centre
Researchers in the centre focus on a range of issues and development opportunities exploring the circular economy and battery storage. This open/public symposium showcased 6 groups of researchers working on issues related to the circular economy and battery energy...

Six Year 12 chemistry students from Ashwood High School visited the IFM Burwood laboratories on Tuesday 27 August.
This year, IFM Burwood hosted a bi-annual event offering high school students the opportunity to carry out analytic detective work in a real life research environment. The students were greeted at the group’s research facilities by Professor Maria Forsyth and were...