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11 March 2025

Get to know your campus and fellow students at Walk’n’Talk – you’ll also score a gift!

Would you like to meet new people and stay active during Trimester 1/Semester 1? We have the perfect way for you to make the most of your time before or in between classes – come along to our Walk’n’Talk sessions available at the Burwood, Waurn Ponds and Waterfront campuses.

On your first walk, we’ll give you a free Deakin-branded hat to keep you UV-safe (or warm if you choose a beanie!) on the walk or any other outdoor activities you undertake. And if you return, each week you’ll receive a $5 Beverage Voucher to use at a Deakin café. Bonus!

Starting in Week 4 as part of Mind Matters 2025, these are casual get-togethers hosted by our trained student Wellbeing Ambassadors. You’ll meet up on campus and take a 30- to 40-minute stroll through some scenic spots while you chat about – well, whatever takes your fancy! You might compare notes on your studies, discuss your plans for the week ahead, or meet someone who loves the same music, books or films as you do.

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are also great sounding boards if you need some advice about how to cope with uni. Perhaps you’re feeling lonely or overwhelmed and would like to talk with someone who understands that being a student isn’t always easy.

Even better, you’ll be outside in the invigorating Victorian weather, moving your body as well as clearing your mind. We all know about the physical and mental benefits of regular outdoor exercise, and this is a simple way to include some movement in your day while you’re on campus.

The walks are fully accessible, so we encourage anyone who’s free at these times to join in! We’ll finish before the hour to give you plenty of time to get to your next class.

When and where do we meet?

The sessions will run weekly from Week 4 (Monday 24–Friday 29 March) to Week 9 (Monday 5–Friday 9 May) but please note there will be no walks during the intra-trimester break (Friday 18 April–Sunday 27 April).

Waterfront: Eastern Beach Walk
When: each Wednesday from 10–10.45am
Where: meet at Student Central (Building D)
Register now

Burwood: Gardiners Creek Walk
When: each Tuesday from 10–10.45am
Where: meet at Cafe Caffeine, Student Central (Building HF)
Register now

Waurn Ponds: Lakes Walk
When: each Thursday from 10–10.45am
Where: meet at Security Office, Student Central (Building JB)
Register now

Need some help to find the right spot? Just use our campus maps – when you arrive, look out for the Wellbeing Ambassadors in the teal shirts!

What if it’s raining?

All is not lost – there’s still coffee! If it’s too wet outside, you’ll instead head to the nearest cafe. You’ll receive a FREE drink voucher so we can chat over a drink!

Do I have to attend every week?

No! We know you’re busy and sometimes study or other commitments come first. We’d love to see you as often as possible, but even one or two walks is a great way to meet new friends, chat about anything on your mind and get in some good exercise.

I’m keen! What should I do now?

Just register for some or all of the walks at WaterfrontBurwood or Waurn Ponds – you’ll receive a reminder email for each walk before the day. Happy walking and talking!

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