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30 January 2025

Find out how Adobe discontinuing Creative Cloud Synced Files for Deakin’s plan may impact you

If you’ve been granted access to Adobe’s Creative Cloud Synced Files for use in your science or creative units, please be aware that this feature is being discontinued for business plans including Deakin University’s enterprise agreement. This change will take place starting Monday 3 February.

What does this mean?

Synced Files provides a OneDrive or Dropbox-like folder synchronisation feature, keeping the contents of the ‘Creative Cloud Files’ folder on your computer in sync with Adobe’s system.

When this feature is discontinued, the components on your computer that sync these files will no longer operate, and Adobe will delete the cloud-hosted copy of these files on their system. The folder on your computer will not be deleted. This means your files have not been lost, they’re just no longer being synced to the cloud.

Please note that this change only affects the Synced Files feature. Apps which store data directly in the cloud, such as Adobe Lightroom, are not affected.

For more details about the change, see Adobe’s Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files for business plans article.

Where should I store my synced files?

To continue backing up and storing your files, Deakin recommends using the Microsoft OneDrive file storage system which is available to you as part of the Office 365 suite.

To do this, simply relocate the files in your ‘Creative Cloud Files’ folder across into your OneDrive sync folder.

For more info about OneDrive, see the Microsoft OneDrive at Deakin IT Help article.

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