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16 December 2024

Disappointed with your grade? These tips will help you make the best of receiving feedback

Now is a busy time for submitting assessments and receiving feedback on your work.

Sometimes we’re thrilled by the marker feedback we get on assessments, but other times it can be upsetting. You might feel a bit confused if you receive suggestions for improvement you weren’t expecting or you don’t fully understand.

Remember: understanding feedback is the key to academic success, so think of it as a learning opportunity, not an obstacle. Here are a few tips for making effective use of the feedback you receive while you’re studying, including seeking further advice if you need more help, and using this knowledge to improve your assessment writing. See this Study Support resource on responding to feedback for more tips from students and staff, about using your feedback effectively to improve your assessments.

1. Don’t take feedback too personally!

It’s important not to take feedback as personal criticism. Lecturers mark thousands of assessments and their end goal is to suggest ways to improve your writing and understanding. Keep an open mind – your teachers want to see you getting the best marks you can.

2. Be clear about what the feedback is focused on

Determine exactly what the marker is commenting on: is it based on the expectations set out in the unit learning outcomes and assessment marking rubric? Or, maybe it’s the structure of your writing or the language you have used? Maybe you need to pay attention to your use of sources, including the way you have referenced them?

If you are unclear about the feedback that you received, make sure you speak to your unit chair, lecturer or tutor to clarify. You can contact them on the discussion forum for your unit or via email. Don’t forget, you can also contact Deakin’s student Writing Mentors and Maths Mentors for online study tips, writing and maths advice, and Language and Learning Advisers for language development, general study and assessment advice.

3. Consider how you could change your approach next time

Identify specific areas that you need to address for your next assessment.

Keep a record of the comments you receive for various assessments – are there common issues that you need to address in your writing? And don’t forget to note any positive comments made by your marker; it’s useful to know your own strengths and build upon them.

4. Explore the Academic Skills guides for further advice

Better planning for your next assessment will help provide a better result. There’s an Academic Skills guide for almost every aspect of your university assessments, from integrating sources to proofreading to note taking.

Perhaps you need some real-time, personalised support?

Deakin’s Study Support service offers a range of options for you to access support online, from both staff and fellow students, when and where you need it. We can help you gain the skills you need to succeed with academic writing, research and study skills.

At Study Support you can:

You can learn more and access a range of resources to help you improve your assessments on the Study Support site.

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