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10 July 2024

Join the Student Advisory Group to help improve our eVALUate survey engagement

Are you interested in working with staff to improve Deakin’s student experience for yourself and fellow students? Got some brilliant ideas? We want to hear from you!

Deakin is inviting up to eleven passionate students to form a Student Advisory Group with the goal of improving eVALUate survey engagement.

What is a Student Advisory Group?

Student Advisory Groups are diverse collections of Deakin students assembled when staff find that a project, problem or initiative would benefit from a student perspective. The groups can make recommendations, provide feedback, test ideas, help influence decisions, act as a sounding board or assist staff for current or future work, governance or policy.

Help improve eVALUate survey engagement

Deakin uses the eVALUate survey, offered for every unit at the end of each study period, as one of the main sources for students to provide their feedback to ensure that teaching, course content and the student journey are high quality.

Unfortunately, the number of students completing their eVALUate surveys has decreased over time, with as few as two or three students from some units responding. This makes it harder for us to collect meaningful feedback to inspire improvements in teaching and learning.

As part of this advisory group, you would help:

If selected, you’ll be expected to attend up to four 60 – 90 minute online meetings through to October 2024.

How to apply

This Student Advisory Group is recruiting for two roles: 

Please note, you must indicate which role you are applying for in your personal statement. If you don’t indicate your preference, we will assume you are applying for the voluntary Student Advisor position.

Find out more

You can find out more details and express your interest through the DeakinTALENT listing. If you have any further questions, contact us on [email protected].

Apply now to get involved and you could help improve teaching and learning at Deakin!

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