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10 July 2024

Boost your CV and see the world with these business and law work experience programs

Are you keen to take on the world? Want to broaden your cultural and professional horizons? Great news! We have two International Consultancy Experiences (MWL319 / MWL719) and two faculty led study tours available for Trimester 3 2024.

You will spend two weeks working in a small consultancy team to prepare a report and presentation addressing the project or problem provided by your allocated host business.

You will be supported by Deakin and local partner university staff and experience a range of site visits, cultural and social activities.

This is your chance to hop on a plane and act as a consultant for an overseas business!

Apply via below links before Sunday 14 July! Don’t miss out on these amazing opportunities!

See the ‘apply now’ links for full program details, dates, costs/other expenses, inclusions, flight arrangements and available accommodation.

WIL Undergraduate Programs

England WIL Program

Location: East Anglia, England
: 28 October – 8 November 2024
Program fee: approximately $4500 AUD
Apply now!

Japan WIL (Musashi)

Location: Tokyo, Japan.
Dates: 4 November – 15 November 2024.
Program fee: approximately $4500 AUD
Apply now!

Study Tours

Sweden Study Tour (Lund)

Add a Scandinavian perspective on sustainability and management to your studies! Master the case problem-solving approach and challenge your opinions on what a more sustainable business world can look like!

Deakin credit: level 3 elective
Lund, Sweden
: 4 November – 15 November 2024
Program fee: see link for cost
Applications close: 28 July 2024
Apply now!



Italy Brand Management (Florence)

In partnership with the University of Florence, complete brand management with a focus on Italy and Australia. Supported by Deakin and Florence staff who facilitate site visits, networking opportunities and social activities.

Deakin credit: MMT280
Florence, Italy
: 18 November – 29 November 2024
Program fees: approximately $7000 AUD
Applications close: 28 July 2024
Apply now!


Further questions? Get in touch.

To find out more, visit the Business and law study abroad webpage, email the team at [email protected] or call +61 3 5227 8619.

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