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18 June 2024

Are you a peer mentor? Apply for the 2024 Students Helping Students Awards

Student Sevni de Silva‘It has been a rewarding experience to use my skills to assist fellow students, and with the continuous encouragement from my supervisors, I hope to grow in my role in the years to come.’
Sevni de Silva (pictured left), SHS Award recipient

Every year, Deakin recognises the contributions of the many trained mentors and student leaders who share their unique knowledge and skills with their peers. Mentors as well as mentees enjoy a sense of belonging and community as a result of the mentoring experience. Learning happens through dialogue and exchange in academic, practical and social ways. Both formal and incidental learning happens everywhere at Deakin, across campuses and online.

Student Tegbir SinghReflecting on his work within SHS programs, past SHS Award recipient Tegbir Singh (right) also shared how being a peer mentor has not only involved supporting his fellow students to thrive but has also led to his own personal growth.

‘I became involved in a variety of Students Helping Students programs, including PASS, the Maths Mentors, the Library Student Assistant program and Study Halls, all of which helped me in gaining confidence and leadership skills,’ he said.

Am I eligible to apply for a 2024 SHS Award?

If you have held a Students Helping Students (SHS) mentor role at Deakin over the last 12 months, you are encouraged to apply for the 2024 SHS Awards. Whether you are an experienced mentor or just starting out on your mentoring journey, there is a category that will suit your experience.

Past Award recipients who want to apply again will need to check the application details for applying for an additional award in the SHS Awards section of the Mentor Development Site.

Why should I apply for an SHS Award?

The SHS Awards are a means to formally gain recognition of your achievements and your contributions to the University. The SHS Awards are also a learning experience in themselves and encourage you to reflect on your mentoring and the capabilities you have developed as a result of your mentoring.

Curious about past recipients? Read more about the successful recipients.

How can I submit an entry for the Awards?

To apply, you are asked to reflect on:

Award applications close on Thursday 22 August 2024 and a draft of your application must be submitted by Friday 26 July.

For more information, visit the SHS Awards section of the Student Mentor Development site. If you do not have access to this site, please contact your SHS Program Coordinator.

Want help with your SHS Awards application? Join our Masterclass!

Q & A sessions will run on:

The Writing Masterclass will provide information and guidance on how to submit a compelling application for the 2024 SHS Awards. Masterclasses will run on:

Register for a Masterclass and access pre-activities via the Masterclasses section, Applying for an SHS Award, in the Student Mentor Development site. If you do not have access to this site, please contact your SHS Program Coordinator.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.

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