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Students sitting at a desk smiling, while another student is writing on a whiteboard

30 November 2023

Solving problems is easy as pi when you speak to Maths Mentors!

Maths Mentors are available to help you with the maths you need. You can attend one of our online drop-in sessions and work with our Maths Mentors on maths foundations or maths from specific units.

Test yourself with our Maths Support Resource Centre resources

Practice makes perfect, as they say! Sustained repetition is a great way to start building your confidence with any subject and improving your problem-solving skills.

Maths Mentor Daniel KanigowskiMaths Mentor Daniel Kanigowski (left) says: ‘Setting regular revision times throughout the week, such as 10–15 minutes every third night, is much more effective than looking at the content once after six weeks have gone by. Save yourself the trouble of having to relearn everything once exams roll around.’

You will find useful practice material in the Foundation Maths Modules which offer great confidence-building activities.

The Foundation Maths Program provides great maths examples, videos and practice questions for you to gauge your current understanding of concepts and bolster your problem-solving abilities before you complete your assessments and exams.

Talk to a Maths Mentor online for some recommendations about what resources you should try or explore the modules in the Foundation Maths Program in your own time.

Get exam-ready with one-on-one help

Get started early,’ advises Daniel ‘Whether it’s assessments or exam preparation, the sooner you start, the sooner you can detect the things that don’t quite make sense and still have enough time to seek help or clarification’.

Wise words indeed! If you’re deep in the throes of maths revision for an upcoming assessment and something’s not making sense, don’t worry – Maths Mentors are available in Trimester 3 until the end of Week 11.

Drop in online to chat with a Maths Mentor today and bring along any maths concepts and problems that you’d like help solving. We’ll help you find the answers you need.

Talk to a Maths Mentor today!

Attend one of our online drop-in interactive sessions with a Maths Mentor today. You don’t need an appointment, just bring along any maths questions for personalised help. You can share your screen, talk or text with the mentor. You can also get in touch via email and access all the useful resources on the Foundation Maths Program at any time.

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