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17 November 2022

Need to take a break from study? How to intermit or discontinue your course

While we hope that things are going well with your study, we know that sometimes personal, financial and health issues, or other factors outside your control, can make it difficult to continue with uni – either in the short or longer term.

If you find yourself in this position, it’s important to know that you have options. These include intermitting (pausing) or discontinuing your study.

We can help you to make the right decision, so read on to learn what steps you should take.

Seek advice first

It’s crucial to ask for help as soon as you realise things aren’t going to plan. The earlier you do this, the more options you’ll have. This may include short-term help like assignment extensions or special consideration.

One of our friendly and knowledgeable Student Advisers can talk you through your situation and explain what you can do next. Just contact Student Central to make an appointment – this can be in person, by phone or over Zoom.

If you want to intermit

An intermission is an approved break from study. Intermission can be taken for three ‘active’ trimesters or two active semesters (an ‘active’ study period is one in which you’re required to be enrolled as part of your course study plan). These don’t have to be consecutive.

Any intermission taken due to the impacts of COVID-19 within the 2020 and 2021 academic years won’t count toward this allowance. 

Find out more about intermission, including how to apply and how it will affect your study.

If you want to discontinue

Discontinuing from a course of study means that you are withdrawing. Depending on your circumstances, you may have alternative study or career options.

If you’re thinking about discontinuing for financial or personal reasons, we recommend that you explore counselling, financial assistance and disability support. You may be eligible for financial support, special consideration or adjustments that will allow you to keep studying. 

Instead of discontinuing altogether, you could consider intermitting until your circumstances improve or perhaps you could transfer to another course. However, it’s better to discontinue your course than to just stop studying without notifying Deakin and allowing your enrolment to lapse.

Find out more about discontinuing, including how to apply and how it will affect your fees.

If you’re an international student

You’ll need to consider how intermitting or discontinuing will affect your visa. It’s important to know that you can only apply for intermission on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances. 

If your application for intermission is approved, your current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be cancelled and you’ll be issued a new CoE for the trimester in which you re-commence your studies.

An alternative is to apply for a short-term leave of absence. This is an approved break from study for up to 10 working days that allows you to leave Australia for a short period during the trimester or return late for the start of the trimester.

Find out more about taking a break from study as an international student, including required documentation.

Make your decision before census date

If you’re considering intermitting or discontinuing, it’s crucial that you factor in census date. This is the last day you can drop a unit, intermit or discontinue your course for the current study period without a reference on your academic record or being liable for the full amount of your fees.

The census date for Trimester 3, 2022 is Thursday 15 December. You can find census dates for all other study periods on the important dates and census webpage.

Remember: whatever your situation, it’s best to get expert advice before you make any firm decisions. As soon as you can, contact Student Central for personalised help.

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