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7 October 2022

How we can help if you’re affected by a natural disaster, a global conflict or civil unrest

Worldwide, we’re unfortunately experiencing a large number of natural disasters, along with global conflicts, civil unrest and human rights issues. Some in our community experience this trauma directly, or have family members and friends who endure very difficult circumstances on a daily basis. 

We care about your personal situation and want you to know that there is a range of support to help you and your loved ones. Remember: you’re never alone at Deakin. Here’s where to turn for help.

If you can’t locate loved ones living or travelling overseas

For help in this very distressing situation, you should:

If you need uni advice or support

If you need financial support 

A range of financial assistance options are available. You can also contact a Financial Assistance Officer through Student Central to discuss your individual circumstances.

If you need health and wellbeing support 

During such a challenging time, it’s vital that you look after your physical and mental health and wellbeing. If you’re in Australia, you can access the following services: 

If you’re located overseas, our Student Assistance Program offers free in-country support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

The Red Cross has a range of resources when dealing with an emergency, including coping with a crisis, and Beyond Blue offers a range of resources and support to assist the wider community.

If you need urgent or emergency help

For urgent support, call Triple Zero (000), or contact Lifeline (13 11 14) or SuicideLine (1300 651 251) straight away. These services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Can you help?

If you’re not affected but would like to help make a difference, you may wish to donate to the Red Cross or volunteer.

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