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Bird's-eye view of three students in a group at Burwood Campus

8 September 2022

We say ‘no’ to violence and poor behaviour: how we can support you and help you feel safe

Everyone has the right to live, work and study in a safe and supportive environment. At Deakin, we want everyone to feel safe, respected and included while part of our community. 

Deakin is steadfast in our commitment to oppose all forms of violence including gender-based or family violence, sexual harm or any concerning behaviour including actions that make anyone feel threatened, unsafe or uncomfortable. 

As part of this commitment, we offer a range of services, resources, training and referrals to empower and support our community. 

During your time at Deakin, Safer Community is here to support you if you experience or witness any of these types of behaviour, including family violence, sexual harm and/or behaviours of concern. This free and confidential service can help you to develop a safety plan, if appropriate, and provide advice and referrals to other services. 

Other Deakin support services include:

Support available external to Deakin:  

Our community’s wellbeing, safety and support is our priority. We continue to improve our programs and support services, and our education and awareness, to build a strong and supportive Deakin community that can positively impact the broader society that we serve. 

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