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two women yoga position

29 April 2022

Keep warm and stay healthy at home with DeakinACTIVE’s online wellbeing sessions

How are you tracking with your 2022 fitness goals so far? Are the shorter days and falling temperatures making you want to hibernate? 

As the cooler weather sets in, staying active is more important than ever for your mental and physical health. That’s why DeakinACTIVE is running online wellbeing sessions throughout May to keep you feeling happy and healthy while you stay nice and toasty indoors. Check out our weekly sessions and join a class today – it’ll benefit your studies in many ways!

Keep MOVEing from home

DeakinACTIVE is currently running free meditation, pilates and yoga sessions online. Take some time out to stretch your body and relax your mind in between your study sessions:

DeakinACTIVE also streams group fitness classes online – keep an eye on the DeakinMOVES app* and our Facebook and Instagram channels for more info!

* If you cannot download the DeakinMOVES app please contact DeakinACTIVE.

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