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Students walking through Burwood Campus

11 February 2022

Deakin’s vaccination procedure is designed to keep our community safe

As part of Deakin’s ongoing commitment to protecting the health, wellbeing and safety of all staff, students and visitors, we’re aiming to become a fully vaccinated study and work environment. 

At present, only fully vaccinated staff, students or visitors (or those with a valid exemption) may access Deakin campuses. This decision is aligned with Victoria’s Roadmap and public health orders, as well as Deakin’s Health, Wellbeing and Safety Policy

Following extensive consultation through January, Deakin’s COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure has now been approved by the University Executive and is effective from 31 January. The Procedure outlines Deakin’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements as part of the University’s commitment to providing a safe on-campus learning and working environment, and protecting the health and safety of all University students, staff, contractors and visitors who attend Deakin campuses or locations. You can find the final procedure in the Policy Library.    

We will continue to base our approach on the Government’s definition of ‘fully vaccinated’. At this stage that means, for the general University community, having received two doses of an approved vaccine. However, there is absolutely no doubt about the real and very substantial risk reduction that exists for people who have had two doses of an approved vaccine and received a booster shot.  

We strongly encourage you to take the opportunity to receive a booster shot as soon as you are eligible.

Submit your vaccination form now

Have you supplied us with evidence of your vaccination status or approved exemption yet? If you plan to attend campus in 2022, we need this evidence prior to you attending a campus for the first time.  

All students attending campus for Semester or Trimester 1 study must complete the online form to access the campus. You will receive direct emails from Deakin in the lead up to the start of the study period so the earlier you complete the form, the easier it will be for you to access campus. 

Here’s how it works: 

Not yet vaccinated or it’s time for your booster? You can get your jab on campus, so book now

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