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20 August 2021

Hey creatives: be part of our art exhibition focusing on mental health and wellbeing

Here at Deakin we want to talk about mental health and wellbeing, and put it at the centre of all we do. It’s important to know that mental health is a broader concept than just dealing with any problems you may face. It’s also about helping you to feel your best, cope with stressful situations and contribute to your community, whatever your personal situation.

Mental health and wellbeing should be a priority for all of us, not just those who experience mental illness.

You’re more than a student to us

Research indicates that rates of distress and vulnerability to mental health problems is higher in university students than the general population. That’s why our commitment to you extends beyond books, assignments, labs, exams or grades. As part of our Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we want to help you to not only reach your academic potential, but also ensure that you enjoy your university experience – and become more resilient, confident and joyful along the way.

Mental illness can significantly affect a person’s cognitive, emotional and social functioning. One in five Australians experience a common mental illness in any year. In Australia, half of all people who experience a mental illness have their first episode by age 18 and three-quarters by age 25.

Showcasing mental health and wellbeing through art

As part of our focus on mental health and wellbeing, we’re calling on students to submit a work of art for our exhibition that:

Art can be such a fantastic form of therapy, either to deal with personal struggles or to share feelings of joy, love, stress and despair. We want to showcase the amazing creative talents of our community in a space that helps to destigmatise mental health and inspires positive action. 

Don’t be intimidated if you don’t paint or draw – we know that creativity comes in many forms. It might be a digital piece you’ve created, a poem you’ve written or a photo you’ve taken – we’re interested in any piece that inspires you to think about mental health, or brings comfort or hope.

It might take you a few weeks to complete an in-depth artwork that’s deeply personal, or two minutes to snap a scene that speaks to you without you even knowing why – we want it all! 

To be part of our art exhibition, all you need to do is take a photo of a piece of your own artwork, complete the below entry form and upload by 5pm, Wednesday 22 September. Read on for the selection criteria, artwork specifications, and terms and conditions.

Photos of selected pieces will be published on a Deakin Gallery blog and displayed across our campuses during Mental Health Month in October.

Please reach out for help if you need support or would like to talk to someoneYou can access a range of services, both here at Deakin and in the community.

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