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Two students chatting in a communal area at Burwood Campus

9 August 2021

Need assignment advice? See how a Language and Learning Adviser or Writing Mentor can help you (and how they differ)

As we move towards the midpoint of Trimester 2, you can expect to be working on various assignments with different requirements and academic conventions.

How are you going so far? Are you wondering how you should begin a particular assignment, or unsure how to pull information together to form a coherent argument? Or perhaps you are just wanting some advice on polishing your writing to boost your overall grade average? Whatever your goals or assignment difficulties may be, you don’t have to worry yourself or lose precious marks on areas you could easily improve with a little friendly advice. Deakin’s Study Support team offers all students help from both Language and Learning Advisers and Writing Mentors to help you strengthen your academic skills and build your confidence.

So, should you seek help from a Language and Learning Adviser or a Writing Mentor? Here we answer some of the most-asked questions the Study Support team receives about these two services – take a look and get in touch when you’re ready!

Who are the Language and Learning Advisers at Deakin?

Language and Learning Advisers are all experienced teachers, and they are available by appointment to offer you a range of assistance and advice on aspects of your learning.

Why should I book an appointment with Language and Learning Adviser – what would we be talking about?

You can book an appointment with an Adviser to discuss any aspect of your study.  The reasons vary – it’s quite individual. So early in the trimester you might want to talk about how to organise your study time, or the best ways to quickly navigate around your unit site. Then, once you’ve looked at your assessment tasks, it’s helpful to work with an Adviser to make sure you understand the question, and how to plan your work. The Adviser can also give feedback on assignment drafts when you get to that stage.

We’re also happy to talk about any aspect of your learning at either the undergraduate or postgraduate level – for example, how to make the transition to uni study, how to best prepare and sit for exams, or how to approach thesis writing. We find students can sometimes feel anxious at different stages of their university journey, and meeting with an Adviser can help to reassure you and provide advice on how you can best manage your tasks.

Can I make an appointment with an Adviser to work on improving my writing in general?

Yes, you can! In such a case, the Adviser would discuss with you some strategies you could adopt to improve your writing and grammar, and suggest resources that could help with your language development. You are welcome to book several meetings over an extended period of time to work with an Adviser on improving your writing.

How can I get the most out of speaking with a Language and Learning Adviser?

It can be very helpful if you take some time to add a comment in the meeting calendar about what you’d like to talk about during your appointment, and upload any relevant documents such as task instructions, a marking guide or your assignment draft.  

I see on the Study Support webpage that I could also chat to a Writing Mentor. How is speaking with a Writing Mentor different to seeking help from a Language and Learning Adviser?

Writing Mentors are experienced students who can help you with many different aspects of your academic life. They can provide you quick tips on unpacking an assignment, finding useful resources and referencing. The main difference between speaking with a Language and Learning Adviser and a Writing Mentor is that you don’t need an appointment to speak to a Writing Mentor, so you can just drop-in online and chat with a Writing Mentor when it suits you.

Throughout Trimester 2, Writing Mentors will be available online during the following drop-in times.

To find out more or join a drop-in session, visit the Study Support webpage. Outside of these hours, when the online drop-in spaces are unstaffed, you can also email a brief query to our Writing Mentors who will usually respond within 24 hours. 

How can I get the most out of speaking with a Writing Mentor?

Similar to how you’d prepare to meet with a Language and Learning Advisor, it’s helpful to bring along a list of questions you’d like to ask and any documents or assignment drafts you want to talk about. It can also be easier to talk through your questions if you turn your microphone on (although a chat function is available). Please have your student ID, unit code and email address details handy too – your Writing Mentor will request these details for their confidential records. You can see more tips about getting the most out of a Writing Mentor drop-in session in our recent Deakin Life article.

Ready to chat?

No matter what your assignment concerns may be, we encourage you to either book an appointment with a Language and Learning Adviser or drop-in to speak with a Writing Mentor today via the Study Support webpage. While uni assignments can be complex, they are all manageable once you learn how to approach them in a step-by-step, methodical way – and we can show you how! 

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